★ New Scientist. The story of mirror life: From intriguing idea to unprecedented threat. 20. Februar 2025
★ NEWS Magazine. Das ist ein neues Kapitel der Evolution. 3. März 2023
★ PM Magazin. Der Mensch von Morgen. Jänner 2023
★ TATup. 5 Fragen an Markus Schmidt. 29.Juli 2021
★ Berliner Zeitung. Ohne Gehirnchip wird man ein Mensch zweiter Klasse sein. 22 Juli 2021 Without a brain chip, you become a second-class human being
★ SciLog. Life in the body of the future/ Leben im Körper der Zukunft. 21 June 2021
★ Science Gallery Blog. The Science and Art of Carbon Futures. November 2020
★ ORF Ö1. Wissen Aktuell- Fiktion, Realität – “Bio.Fiction Festival” verbindet Biologie und Film. 23 September 2019
★ ORF Ö1. Dimensionen Magazin. Von der Beinprothese zum Gehirnchip
Wie die Neurotechnologie den Körper der Zukunft formt. 10.1.2019
★ Spektrum.de Impfung aus dem Gangsta-Lab. 25.6.2018
★ Psychology Today. Ants Build Traps for Grasshoppers, Male Fruit Flies Orgasm. 4.5.2018
★ Chemiereport. Umprogrammieren macht unschädlich. 30.4.2018
★ bionieuws. Mieren gebruiken gang als hinderlaag 28.4.2018
★ Pyhs.org. Ants found to use trapping technique to capture much larger prey 25.4.2018
★ NPlus1.ru. Древесные муравьи построили для охоты туннели-ловушки. 24.4.2018
★ LongRoom. Ants found to use trapping technique to capture much larger prey. 24.4.2018
★ Inverse. Extremely Metal Ant Species Uses Medieval Torture Rack on Its Enemies Unsuspecting victims are “spreadeagled” and “carved up.” 24.4.2018
★ IFLScience. These Ants Have Created Their Own Torture Device For Their Victims. 24.4.2018
★ Daily Mail and Mail Online. Ants build and set terrifying traps that resemble ‘medieval torture racks’ to capture large prey and rip them to shreds 24.4.2018
★ New Scientist. Ants build a medieval ‘torture rack’ to catch grasshoppers 24.4.2018
★ BBC 5 Live, ABC Australia, and Naked Scientist. What The Heck Is Xenobiology? 27.2.2018
★ Plymouth Univ. Press Office. Musical molecules and the battle for biological supremacy laid bare in new performance. 6.2.2018
★ ORF OE1. Salzburger Nachstudio. Humanismus. Transhumanismus. Posthumanismus. 25.10.2017
★ Plymouth Univ. Press Office. Decoding the secrets of life at the 2018 Peninsula Arts Contemporary Music Festival. 17.10.2017
★ Spektrum. Synthetische Biologie: Neue Antibiotika synthetisch herstellen. 13.9.2017
★ Technology Review (German Edition). Sicherheit durch Selbstmord. June 2017
★ ISGP’s “The Forum”. Life as we (don’t) know it. 6.2.2017
★ Beal Center for Art & Technology. Wetware:Art | Agency Animation. 03.2017
★ Vienna Design Week Review. Vienna Design Week Review 2016. 03.2017
★ Die Presse.View PDF Künstlich? Natürlich?; view online: Künstlich? Natürlich? 8.10.2016 (über die Ausstellung Possible Tomorrows)
★ LaBioTech. Microbial Donuts at the Vienna Design Week, fancy a bite? Here’s the Recipe! 8.10.2016 (about possible tomorrows)
★ Design Matters. Possible Tomorrows: diseño y biotecnbologías. 6.10.2016
★ Blouin Artinfo. 10 Things to See and Do at Vienna Design Week. 1.10.2016 -> Possible Tomorrows
★ ORF Ö1 Morgenjournal. Interview zu Possible Tomorrows. 30.9.2016
★ Exploring the Invisible. Hybrid Textiles. 7 September 2016
★ Daily Scandinavian. Future Art in Stavanger. July 2016
★ Microwave Festival. BIO·FICTION screening Hong Kong. 2 June 2016
★ The Hungry Biologist. Standardised Production in Kitchen. 24 July 2016
★ Clinical Infectious Diseases. Is There a Role for a Bespoke App on Antimicrobial Stewardship Targeting Patients and the Public? (about SYNMOD game) 25 May 2016
★ BioVoiceNews Special: The Undivided Mind-Where Art meets Science! 25 April 2016
★ Newkirk Centre Gene Editing, Artificial Life and Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium 30 January 2016
★ CCCB. BIO·FICTION. Science Art Film Festival 23 January 2016
★ SynbioPLOS. SynBio is Booming. 28 Dezember 2015
★ APA-Science (Gastkommentar). Audiovisuelle Predigt oder Ausgangspunkt partizipativer Innovation? 18 Dezember 2015
★ APA-Science. Die bewegte Wissenschaft. 18 Dezember 2015
★ Der Standard. Vienna Food Week: Essen findet Stadt. 30 September 2015
★ TATuP. Synthetische Biologie: Zwischen Fiktion und Realität. 31 August 2015
★ Making Life. Interview on Synthetic Biology and Art. 22 May 2015
★ Berliner Morgenpost. Weg mit den Fesseln der Evolution. 18 April 2015
★ Die Welt. Forscher wollen die Fesseln der Evolution sprengen. 17 April 2015
★ Hamburger Abendblatt. Auf dem Weg zum synthetischen Leben. 17 April 2015
★ SCIENCE Magazine. ‘Genetic firewall’ holds engineered microbes captive. 21 January 2015
★ Genome Compiler. Xenobiology: The Future of Genetic Material. 4 November 2014
★ Radio Wien. BIO·FICTION. 23 October, 2014
★ Science APA. Biohacker beim zweiten Bio-Fiction-Festival in Wien. 22 October, 2014
★ Der Standard. Dumme Dodos und Spinnen-Ziegen. 22 Oktober, 2014
★ Scientific American. Science Film Festivals Across the Pond Abundant in October. September 28, 2014
★ The Economist. Biohackers of the world, unite. 4 September 2014
★ Harvard Magazine. The Synthetic Biology’s New Menagerie. September 2014
★ Dazed. Hacking life: the summer camp. June 2014
★ The Science Game Center. SYNMOD. 22 May, 2014
★ Linguaggio-macchina. The SYNMOD Game: un videogioco scientifico per Android e iPhone. 2 April, 2014

★ Deutscher Ethikrat – Infobrief. Öffentliche Tagung Werkstatt Leben. 12-2011
★ Der SPIEGEL. Synthetische Biologie: Frankensteins Zeit ist gekommen.. 27-12-2008
2007 / 2006
★ Daily Telegraph. First artificial life ‘within months’. 02.07.2007