Public Speaking


★ Comparative Modernization in Biotechnology Research Infrastructures. Biotechnology: Technological Convergence and Information Hazards. NATO Science for Peace Programme: Advanced Research Workshop. Cartagena, Colombia, April 28 – May 1, 2024  

★ Standards and Metrics for Biosafety in Synthetic Biology IBISBA Mini-Summit. IBISBA Mini-Summit Paris, France. 31.1-1.2.2024


★ The bioethical non plus ultra. 23rd EMBL Science and Society Conference Terra incognita: navigating ethical boundaries in the life sciences Heidelberg.

★ Grain and Noise – Constructive disturbances of art in science. Radical Collaboration – Aalto LASER Talk . Helsinki. 7.6.2023

★ Constructive disturbances of art in science. LASER Panel Discussion. Vienna. 15.5.2023

★ Bio Plus Ultra. 4th Darwin Conference. India/zoom. 3.2.2023

Biosafety in Synthetic Biology: a genetic firewall metric. EuSynBioS Seminar. 19.1.2023


★ Xenobiology. a-pass. 18.11.2022

Standards and Metrics for Biosafety in Synthetic Biology + Art and Synthetic Biology. DTU Biosustain Science Seminars 18.11.2022

★ Synthetic Biology. Geopolitics and Global Futures Symposium. Geneva Center for Security Policy. Geneva. online. 20.10.2022

★ Human augmentation: a challenge for governance? OECD. 15th Session of the working party on Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies. Paris and online. 4.5.2022

Synthetic biology safety standards: opportunities and challenges ahead. Symposium on Genetic Safeguards and Safe by Design for Industrial Biotechnology. Wageningen University, NL. 20.4.2022


★ Focus Group Member at the 1st International Symposium for Quantum Computing & Musical Creativity. 19-20.11.2021

★ Genetic Code Engineering Metrics and Biosafety. GP-write 5.0. Virtual Conference. 21-22.10.2021

★ Neurotechnology and Synthetic Biology: The Future of the Human Body. TELUS  Government and Regulatory Affairs (GRA). 28.9.2021

★ Synthetic Biology. Geopolitics and Global Futures Symposium. Geneva Center for Security Policy. Geneva. online. 2.9.2021

★ Neuro-Presents and Neuro-Futures: Neurotech Practices Imagined and Lived. International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) Meeting. Cold Spring Harbour. online. 19.7.2021

★ BIO·FICTION Panel. The Future of the Body in the Light of Neurotechnology. online. 8.4.202. Finish Bioart Society


★ Round Table on SynBio & education. Bioroboost. online. 1.12.2020

★ How can we reconcile geochemical, biological and industrial global cycles? Beyond Festival – New Narratives for the 21st century. online. 25.7.2020

ALIEN TALK: VON TRÄUMENDEN FISCHEN IM REAGENZGLAS… Margit Busch, Solmaz Fahrang, Dr. Markus Schmidt. Angewandte Innovation Lab. Vienna, Austria. 24.6.2020

Science meets Business. Gamedays 2020. online 18.5.2020

★ Biofriction. Non/Living Queerings (CoVid-19 pandemic). Finish Bioart Society. online. 17.6.2020


★ Ethics as a Design Principle. PerICO Transferable Skills Workshop. Groningen, Netherlands. 20 June 2019

★  Genetic Code Engineering. 6th Code Biology Conference. Friedrichsdorf. Germany. 3-6. June 2019

★  Fascination for Plants Day. BOKU. Vienna, Austria. 18 May 2019

★  Designerbabies, Mammuts und Co. Am Puls. Vienna, Austria. 3 April 2019

★ Responsible Research and Innovation. SynCrop Transferable Skills Workshop. Vienna, Austria. 17-18. January. 2019


★ New-to-nature microbes to harmonize global ecological and industrial cycles. Leonardo LASER Talk Series Vienna. Vienna, Austria. 15 December 2018

★ FUTUREBODY: Speculative Techno-Biology. BEYOND Festival. Karlsruhe Germany. 4-6  October 2018

Future Innovator Summit. Ars Electronica. Linz, Austria. 6-9 September.

★ Introducing a metric to generate alternative genetic codes for the implementation of (a) genetic firewall(s). Fifth International Conference in Code Biology. Granada, Spain. 5-9 June 2018

★ Co-Create Careers Workshop. Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft. Vienna, Austria. 21.2.2018

Peninsular Arts Contemporary Music Festival. The Art of Biology. Plymouth, UK. 2 March 2018


★ Bartlett International Lecture Series. The Bartlett School of Architecture. Living outside the box: the promises and perils of synthetic biology. London, UK. 29 November 2017

★ Vienna Art Week. Art Institutions as agents for change. Vienna 15 November 2017

★ Blumberg Symposium @ Library of Congress. Life as it Could Be: Astrobiology, Synthetic Biology, and the Future of Life. Xenobiology: Encountering Other Forms of Life. 28 September 2017. Washington DC, USA

★ Bacterial networks (BacNet17). (Un)orthodox ways to engage the public in the debate about life sciences. Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain. 9 – 14 September 2017

★ Living outside the box: creative problem solving with xenobiology. UCL SynBio Showcase. 6 July 2017, London, UK

★ An approximation to the risks and biosafety opportunities of xenobiology. Xenobiology Workshop at UCL. 5 July 2017, London, UK

NATURE ANIMÉE #2. 22 April 2017. Vienna, Austria

★ New direction in interdisciplinary cephalopod research: from practical to metaphysical and its social implication. CephsinAction/CIAC meeting. 29 March 2017. Heraklion, Greece

★ Vom Koch zum Ingenieur: Essen im Zeitalter der Effizienzsteigerung. New Design University, St.Pölten, Austria. 1 March 2017

★ Do-it-yourself Biology (DIYBio): between education, innovation, subversion and empowerment. Science in your own hands? Promises and Perils of DIY Science. INSIS Seminar at Oxford University. UK. 28 February 2017


★ Responsible Research and Innovation. Empowerputida Workshop. Brussels, 23.November 2016

★ Biocontainment and biosafety engineering with synthetic biology. Synenergene Forum. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 24-25 June 2016

★ Emerging Risks in Synthetic Biology: From Defintions to Recommendations for Science and Policy. Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference 2016. Bath, UK. 20-22 June, 2016

The Future of Life is Synthetic – The Promises of Xenobiology.  Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Germany. 25 May, 2016

★Towards imagining Bio-Futures. Evry’16 Thematic Research School. Paris, France.   21 March, 2016

The Bio-Fiction festival. 科学とアートのフィルム・フェスティバル Tokyo, Japan. 20 February 2015

★ Societal Implications of Synthetic Biology: Facts and Fiction. Cultural Forum Austrian Embassy Tokyo, Japan. 17 February 2015

Gene Editing, Artificial Life and Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium. Irvine, USA. 5 February 2016


★ SCENIHR Opinion 2: Risk Assessment Methodologies. Luxemburg. 10 December 2015

★ Biosafety, bioethics, science communication and art-science collaborations. Cephsin Action Meeting, Cascais, Lisbon. 25 November 2015

★ Responsible Research and Innovation in Synthetic Biology. University of Hamburg, Germany. 19 November 2015

★ BIO·FICTION and its tour. SYNENERGENE Conference. Bristol, UK. 13 October 2015

★ Reporting from a standard science-kitchen workshop. ST-FLOW Final Conference. 8 October 2015

★ CephsInAction: A Network for Improvement of Cephalopod Welfare and Husbandry in Research, Aquaculture and Fisheries. NEOLIFE – SLSA 2015. Perth, Australia. 1 October 2015

Ecsite Annual Conference 2015: Food for curious minds. Trento, Italy. 13 June 2015

★ Making Life – Key Dialogue. Helsinki, Finnland. 23 May 2015.

★ Multi-drug resistant bacteria: game over for science? Bacteria, Art and other Incommodities –  Bacteria in Art, Sciences and Humanities. Copenhagen, Denmark. 15 May 2015

★ BIO·FICTION@New Delhi.The Undivided Mind. New Delhi, India. 9 April 2015


★ BIO·FICTION@Linz. Science Days: künstliche [künstlerische] Natur. Ars Electronica Center.  Linz, Austria. 16 November 2014.

★ Die Neuprogrammierung des genetischen Codes. Kepler Salon – Science Café. Linz, Austria. 3 November 2014.

★ Biosafety issues in synthetic biology. Nordic Committee on Bioethics conference. Tromso, Norway. 28 August 2014

★ Risk Assessment for Transgenic Sorghum in Brazil. XXX National Congress of Maize an Sorghum. Salvador do Bahia, Brazil. 6 August 2014

Bio Commons Keynote. Pixelache. Helsinki, Finnland. 6 June 2014

★ Biosafety and risk in synthetic biology. Making life workshop. Finish Bio Art Society. Helsinki, Finnland. 26 May 2014

★ Responsible Innovation in Xenobiology. XB1. Genoa, Italy. 7 May 2014

★ Art and Synthetic Biology. SYNENERGENE Media Forum. Brussels, Belgium. 10 April 2014.

★ The SYNMOD game: public engagement via science gamification. SYNENERGENE-ECSITE workshop. Brussels, Belgium. Media Forum. 8 April 2014.

★  A serious game for public engagement in synthetic biology. GameDays 2014. Darmstadt, Germany. 1-4 April 2014.


★ Synthetic Biology – from understanding to application. Heidelberg, Germany. 9-11 December 2013

★ Bio:Fiction – sensing possibilities how a debate about synthetic biology might evolve. The human stem cell: Reality and imagination. Lund, Sweden. 6 December, 2013

 BOKU Ringvorlesung: Umgang mit TechnikEthik und Risiko in der Synthetischen Biologie – Von Biobricks, Biohackern und alternativen Lebensformen. Vienna, Austria. 28 November 2013

★ Synthetische Biologie und Kunst: eine filmische Auseinandersetzung. Zur ethisch-gesellschaftlichen Relevanz der Synthetischen Biologie. Freiburg, Germany. 26-28 September 2013

★ Public perception of synthetic biology and its framing by related technology debates. Risk discourses, discourse risks: European perspectives on the linguistic depiction of technological risks. Heidelberg, Germany. 9-11 September 2013

★ Frames and Comparators: the case of synthetic biology. 8th International Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference (IPA). Vienna, Austria. 3-5 July 2013 (with Helge Torgersen)

★ European Science Foundation, EUROSYNBIO final conference. Elmau, Germany. 7 May, 2013

Design Fiction/Citizens and the Public Imagination. Real Fiction. Vienna, Austria. 2 May, 2013

★ Xenobiologie: von der biochemischen Enklave zur genetischen Firewall. Von biologischer Diversität zu mikrobiellen Zellfabriken. Marburg, Germany. 24 April, 2013

★ The public landscape of synthetic biology and conservation – how can we move forward? How will synthetic biology and conservation shape the future of nature? Cambrigde, UK. 11 April, 2013

★ Biosafety and synthetic biology: risk assessment, genetic firewall, and amateur biologists. Synthetische Biologie: Von der Technikfolgenabschätzung zur Governance von Forschungs- und Innovationsprozessen? Bremen, Germany. 30 January, 2013

★ International Workshop “Ethical, Philosophical and Political Issues of Synthetic Biology” Madrid, Spain. 11 January 2013


★ Safeguarding the genetic firewall with xenobiology.  21st Century Borders/Synthetic Biology: Focus on Responsibility & Governance convened by the Institute on Science for Global Policy (ISGP). Tucson, Arizona, December 4–7, 2012

★ Risk assessment: Xenobiology. ESF/EMBO Strategic Workshop on Biological Containment of Synthetic Microorganisms: Science and Policy. EMBO, Heidelberg, Germany, 13-14 November 2012

★ Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects in Synthetic Biology. ESF EUROSYNBIO Conference Progress in synthetic biology. Groeningen, The Netherlands. 3-5 October, 2012.

★ paraflows.7 REVERSE ENGINEERING Biohacking and its societal ramifications, Vienna, Austria. 14 September 2012. Watch Video

★ Studiolab Masterclass on synthetic biology. Ars electronica, Linz, Austria. 27–29 August 2012. Watch video

★ Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) World Congress on Risk. Risk analysis in synthetic biology: global and emerging. Sydney, Australia. 18-20 July, 2012

★ Seminar Imagination and imaging in scientific practice. Department of Social Studies of Science, University of Vienna. 14 May 2012

★ European Commission. The TARPOL project. Workshop on Biosafety of Synthetic Biology, Brussels, 27 February, 2012

★ Medical University Vienna. The science and societal ramifications of synthetic biology. Vienna, Austria. 13 January 2012

★ University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Seminar „Genetic Art“. The science, societal ramifications and artistic examination of synthetic biology. Vienna, Austria. 11 January 2012


★ Berlin Brandenburg Akademie der Wissenschaften. Workshop “Synthetischen Biologie: Leben- Kunst.“ 8-9 December 2011

★ Deutscher Ethikrat. Werkstatt Leben. Bedeutung der synthetischen Biologie für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Mannheim, Germany. 23 November June 2011

★ Ernst Mach Forum. Grenzen der Wissenschaft und Möglichkeiten der Entscheidung. Wien. 19 October 2011

★ Bio:Fiction@iGEM Asia – Hong Kong. Bio:Fiction Film Session and Panel Discussion. Hong Kong. 14 October 2011

★ European Science Foundation. Synthetic biology of Antobiotic Production. St Feliu de Guixol, Spain. 3-7 October 2011

Synthetic Biology 5.0. Panel discussion „Interacting with society“. Stanford University California, USA. 16 June 2011

★ EUROSYNBIO ESF Meeting. SYNMOD World Cafe. Cannes, France. 26 May 2011

★ GEN-AU Evaluation conference. Cinema and Synthetic Biology. Vienna, Austria.3 May 2011

★ The first synthetic biology Science, Art and Film Festival Bio:Fiction. Vienna, Austria. 13-14 May. 2011

★ PhytoMetaSyn and Synthetic Biology GE3LS Workshop. Nature Redesigned PhytoMetaSyn & Synthetic Biology. Banff, Canada. 24-25 March, 2011

Bio:Fiction Science, Art and Film Festival. Innovation? Fortschritt? Avantgarde? Zum Umgehen mit ästhetischer Produktivität im 20. Jahrhundert. 4. interdisziplinäres Winterkolleg des Departments Kunstwissenschaften, Ludwig Maximillian Universität München, Germany. 15 February 2011

★ Synthetische Biologie: Biosafety und Biosecurity. Trinationaler Workshop Synthetische Biologie (CH/D/A). Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences. Basel, Switzerland. 23-26 January 2011


★ Public perception of synthetic biology in Europe. At Amyris, Emeryville, California. 17 December 2010

★ Synthetic Biology: engineering life and its societal ramifiactions. Art as Research. Research as Art. Anything goes? Jour Fixe. University of Applied Arts. Vienna. Art & Science Visualisation. 10 December 2010.

★ ERASysBio Synthetic Biology workshop: Synthetic biology faces the challenges in biotechnology, agriculture and biomedicine. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council of the UK (BBSRC). Bath, United Kingdom. 6-7 December, 2010

★ Xenobiology: Embracing the unfamiliar side of synthetic biology. Seminar at the Dept. of Chromosome Biology at the Vienna Biocenter VBC. 29 November 2010.

Issues arising from Synthetic Biology:  What Lies Ahead? U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Biological and Environmental Research, together with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Washington DC, USA. 8-9 November, 2010

★ Séance de reflexion. Von der Gentechnologie zur synthetischen Biologie – neue Chancen, neue Risiken? Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences together with the Science and Policy Platform for Genetic Research of the Swiss Acadmy of Sciences. Bern, Switzerland. 2 November 2010.

1st Exploratory Round Table Conference on Synthetic Biology. Shanghai Institute of Advanced Studies. Chinese Academy of Sciences and Max Planck Gesellschaft. Shanghai, China. 19-21 October, 2010.

★ SYNMIKRO. Cinema and Synthetic Biology. Was ist Leben – im Zeitalter seiner technischen Machbarkeit? Philipps Universität Marburg, Germany. 29 September 2010.

★ National Insitute of Health. Does your research raise security concerns? Strategies for promoting responsible research in the life sciences. Washington DC, USA. 23 September 2010.

★ United Nations Bioweapons Convention‘s seminar on syntheitc biology. Engineering a safer future. Geneva, Switzerland. 25 August, 2010.

J. Craig Venter Institute‘s 3rd Workshop on Synthetic Genomics: Scientists’ Understanding of Society’s Concerns, Society’s Understanding of the Science and Scientists. „Synthetic Biology: Science and Society – Views from outside the United States. Washington DC, USA. 22-23 July, 2010.

★ First Meeting of the US Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Questions. Social and ethical aspects of synthetic biology in Europe. Washington DC, USA. 8-9 July, 2010.

TEXTURES – The 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts. Roundtable Biopalimpset. „Synthetic Biology: (De)constructing eternal dreams), Riga, Latvia. 15-19 June, 2010.

★ National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF) and the French Ministery of Industry Seminar: „Technologies convergentes : enjeux et perspectives“. Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France. 8 June 2010.

★ TA’10 Die Ethisierung der Technik und ihre Bedeutung für die Technikfolgenabschätzung. Vienna, Austria. 31 May – 1st June.

★ TARPOL Summer Course: Synthetic Biology. Valencia, Spain. 19-23 April 2010.

★ 3rd Workshop on Living Technology. Initiative for Science, Society, and Policy (ISSP), Odense, Denmark. 25-26 March 2010

★ European Commission‘s DG SANCO Risk Assessment Workshop on Synthetic Biology: From Science to Governance. Brussels, Belgium. 18-19 March 2010.

★ Keynote presentation at the BBSRC-EPSRC Synthetic Biology and Society Workshop. Swindon, UK. 16-17 March, 2010.

★ J. Craig Venter Institute‘s 2nd Workshop on “Synthetic Genomics: Scientists’ Understanding of Society’s Concerns, Society’s Understanding of the Science and Scientists”. San Diego, USA. 23-24 February, 2010.

Biosafety and Synthetic Biology Workshop. Beijing, China. 15 January, 2010.


★ Synthetic biology: new (and old) issues in biosafety and biosecurity. Synthetic Bio(techno)logy. Frankfurt, Germany. 9-10 November, 2009.

★ Herausforderungen der Synthetischen Biologie: Biosafety und Biosecurity. Internationales Symposium: Ethik in der Synthetischen Biologie. Freiburg, Germany.  1-2 October, 2009.

★ Societal ramifications of synthetic biology. EuroBIO, Lille, France. 25 September, 2009

★ Der Zug fährt ab. Frühe Technikfolgenabschätzung am Beispiel der synthetischen Biologie. TA’ 09. Wien, Austria. 8 June, 2009

★ Die Synthetische Biologie und ihre Folgen. Deutscher Bundestag. Berlin, Germany. 27 May, 2009.

★ Synthetic Biosafety: Do I understand what I can create? Applied Industrial Synthetic Biology. Freiburg, Germany. 16-17 April, 2009.

★ Societal Aspects of Synthetic Biology (1h tutorial). European Conference On Synthetic Biology (ECSB) II: Design, Programming And Optimisation Of Biological Systems. Sant Feliu de Guixol, Spain. 29 March to 4 April 2009

★ Synthetic Biology: Ethics, Safety and Security. Conference De Lancement. Generation D’organismes Vivants De Synthese Etat Des Lieux, Etat D’esprit. Organized by Vivagora. Paris, France. 4 March 2009

★ Biosafety and Biosecurity Issues. Workshop „Synthetic Biology“ by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). Berlin, Germany. 27 February 2009

★ Ethics of Synthetic Biology. Xxxii nd Meeting of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) . Brussels, Belgium. 17 February 2009

★ Sinful Science. DANA Center of the London Science Museum. London, UK. 19 February 2009

2008 and before

★ Do I understand what I can create? Biosafety reflections on synthetic biology. VBC Symposium: Life under (Re)construction. Vienna, Austria. 13 – 14 November 2008

★ Synthetic biology: Creare la vita in laboratorio. Festival della Scienzia. Genua, Italy. 2 November, 2008.

★ Towards a Consensus Paper Guiding the Development of Synthetic Biology. Synthetic Biology 4.0, Hong Kong, China, 10-12 October 2008

★ Paradigm shift in the life sciences: Synthetic biology as a case study. “Towards a Framework Convention on Biochemical Controls: Addressing Conceptual and Practical Issues”. University of Bath, Claverton Down, 18-19 September 2008

The Biosafety of Synthetic Biology. Genomics and Society: Setting the Agenda, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17–18 April 2008

★ Synbiosafe: Safety, security and ethical aspects of Synthetic Biology. Presentation at the IMEC Visionary Seminar “Synthetic Biology, Designing and Building Living Systems”, 17 January, 2008. IMEC, Heverlee, Belgium.

Safety, ethical and security issues in synthetic biology: a first survey among European researchers in synthetic biology. European ESF Conference on Synthetic Biology (ECSB): Design, Programming and Optimisation of Biological Systems. Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu de Guixols Spain, 24-29 November 2007

Framing the safety and security aspects of synthetic biology. Oral presentation at the Synthetic Biology 3.0. conference. 24–26 June, 2007. ETH Zurich, Switzerland

DIVERSEEDS: Networking on conservation and use of plant genetic resources in Europe and Asia. Oral presentation at the 18th EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section Meeting. 23-26 May, 2007, Piestany, Slovak Republic