
Research projects

2023-2027 Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European Horizon project Mi-Hy: Microbial Hydroponics: Circular Sustainable Electrobiosynthesis (start: October 2023)

2023-2027 Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European Horizon project deCYPher: Decipher cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) by digital tools to produce flavonoids and terpenoid (start: September 2023)

2023-2028 Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European Horizon project WiLiMan-ID: Ecology of Wild-life, Livestock, huMan and Infectious Diseases in changing environments (start: May 2023)

2023-2026 Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European Horizon project Bioindustry 4.0: RI services to promote deep digitalization of Industrial Biotechnology – towards smart biomanufacturing

2018-2023    Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European H2020 project SINFONIA: Synthetic biology-guided engineering of Pseudomonas putida for biofluorination 

Completed research projects

2018-2022    Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European H2020 project NEWCOTIANA: Developing Multipurpose Nicotiana Crops for Molecular Farming using New Plant Breeding Techniques

2018-2022    Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European H2020 project eForFuel: Fuels from electricity: de novo metabolic conversion of electrochemically produced formate into hydrocarbons

2018-2022    Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the ERANET NEURON ELSI project FUTUREBODY: The Future of the Body in the Light of Neurotechnology

2018-2022    Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European H2020 project BioRoboost: Fostering Synthetic Biology standardisation through international collaboration

2018-2021    Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European H2020 project MADONNA: Microbial deployment of new-to-nature chemistries for refactoring the barriers between living and non-living matter

2018-2022     Associated partner in the European H2020 ITN project BestTreat: Building a Gut Microbiome Engineering Toolbox for In-Situ Therapeutic Treatments for Diabetes

2018-2022     Associated partner in the European H2020 ITN project PerICo: Peroxisome Interactions and Communication

2018-2021     Associated partner in the European H2020 ITN project SynCrop: Synthetic Circuits for Robust Orthogonal Production

2015-2020     Principal investigator (PI) and work package (WP) leader in the European H2020 project MYCOSYNVAC: Engineering of Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine

2015-2017     Member of the Management committee in the COST Action FA1301:    CephsInAction: A network for improvement of cephalopod welfare and husbandry in research, aquaculture and fisheries

2013-2017     PI and WP leader in the European FP7 project SYNPEPTIDE: Synthetic Biology for the production of functional peptides

2013-2017     PI and WP leader in the European FP7 project SYNENERGENE: Responsible Research and Innovation in Synthetic Biology 

2013-2016     PI and WP leader in the European FP7 project BACH-BERRY: Bacterial Hosts for production of Bioactive phenolics from beery fruits

2013-2015     Member of the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHRworking group on Synthetic Biology

2012-2015     PI and WP leader in the European FP7 project METACODE: Code-engineered new-to-nature microbial cell factories for novel and safety-enhanced bio-production

2012-2015     PI and WP leader in the European FP7 project ST-FLOW on standardization in synthetic biology

2010-2013     PI in the European Science Foundation (ESF) project SYNMOD: Synthetic biology to obtain novel antibiotics and optimized production systems

2012              Facilitator for the World Wide Views on Biodiversity

2009-2012     PI in the Austrian Gen-au ELSA project „CISYNBIO: Cinema and Synthetic Biology“ and co-organiser of the Synthetic Biology Science, Art and Film Festival Bio-Fiction.

2009-2012     Principal investigator in the Austrian-Chinese FWF-NSFC project „Biosafety and risk assessment needs of synthetic biology in Austria and China

2010-2011    Contributer to the European Parliament Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) funded project „Making Perfect Life„ – Subproject on Synthetic Biology“

2010              Principal investigator (in cooperation with Institute of Technology Assessment) of the BMVIT funded pilot study on Converging Technologies in Austria

2009-2010     Core group member of the J Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) project entitled “Synthetic Genomics: Scientists’ Understanding of Society’s Concerns, Society’s Understanding of the Science and Scientists“

2008-2010     Partner and work package leader in the European FP7 project “TARPOL: Targeting environmental pollution with engineered microbial systems á la carte.”

2008-2009     Partner in the Austrian Gen-au ELSA project “COSY: Communicating Synthetic Biology” .

2007-2008     Project Coordinator of the European FP6 New and Emerging Science and Technology (NEST) SSA “SYNBIOSAFE: Safety and ethical aspects of synthetic biology

2007-2008     Project Coordinator of the European FP6 Food Quality and Safety SSA “DIVERSEEDS: Networking on conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources in Europe and Asia

2006-2007     Project Coordinator of the European FP6 INCO-DEV SSA “Agro-folio: Benefiting from an Improved Agricultural Portfolio in Asia

2006-2007     Special Report: Impact of the Deployment of Transgenic Seeds on the Economic, Societal and Political Structures  in China. (In German) Report for the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) of the German Parliament. Part of the OTA Project „Transgenic Seeds in Developing Countries“. English summary

2006               Special Report: „Nanotechnology – Accompanying Measures: Status Quo and Implications for Austria” in cooperation with the Institute of Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. (in German).

2004-2006     Project partner in “POCO: The Post-Genomic Era: How does increasing complexity change the debate on genetics?”. Funded by the Austrian Genome Research Program “GEN-AU, ELSA”

2005               Participant in the European Commission’s FP6 CA Project “TiA: Trustnet in Action”.

2001-2005     Research Assistant in the European Fusion Development Agency‘s project Socio Economic Research on Fusion II, III and IV.

2003-2004     Public risk perception study, comparing Austrian and Chinese risk perception of genetic erosion in agriculture, in cooperation with the Institute of Botany at Chinese Academy of Science and the Department of Environmental Psychology, University of Lisbon.

2003               Risk assessment consultant for biosafety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Southern Africa, at the VOPI Biotechnology Division, Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Pretoria, Republic of South Africa (Dr. Thompson, Dr. Bothma).

2003               Facilitator at the SARB Biosafety Workshop with national stakeholders from Sambia (Southern Africa) about the commercialization of GM-maize, responsible for environmental risk assessment, employed by the Southern African Regional Biosafety Programme, financed by USAID.

2002-2004     Interdisciplinary PhD on: “Loss of agro-biodiversity in Vavilov centres, with a special focus on genetically modified organisms (GMOs)”. University of Vienna, Institute of Risk Research and Prof. Glössl from the Center of Applied Genetics, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. (Submission 10-2004)

2000-2001     Zoological/Ecological Master Thesis „Interactions between Tetrathylacium macrophyllum (Flacourtiaceae) and its live-stem inhabiting ants“ in La Gamba, the Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica. University of Vienna, Department of Botany.

Other activities

Scientific Advisor

Policy advisor

★ Co-Editor of a special collection on XENOBIOLOGY for the peer review journal ChemBioChem (2019-20).

★ Editor of the biosafety website of the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition iGEM  (2010-2011)

★ Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the Synthetic Biology 3.0 conference 24-26 June 2007 Zurich, Switzerland.

★ Organising Committee Chair for the ESF conference on synthetic biology ECSB II, 2009, in Sant Feliu de Guixol, Spain.

★ Reviewer for the the European Commision’s 7th research framework programme, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the UK Royal Society, French ANR and EU Cost Action.

★ Invited Guest Editor of a special issue for the peer review journal “Systems and Synthetic Biology” on societal issue in synbio.

★ Reviewer for the scientific journals, e.g. Science, Risk Analysis, Plant Cell Reports, Systems and Synthetic Biology, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Public Understanding of Science, Science Communication, Leonardo, etc. and several book publishers.

★ Jury member of the KIT Science Film Awards